Take Globalization to the Little Guy to the Market

Demand for small businesses in the e-commerce sector has been growing.
“We believe we have to develop a product or suite of products that allows us to take globalization for the little guy to the market,” said Kushniruk [executive vice president of business development at Avalara]. “When these customers are selling across borders or across countries, they really have to worry about shipping it, with landed cost, duties, excise, and tax. They need to collect the right VAT or sales tax and most importantly pay the tax.”
Expanding internationally can be challenging.  Get your ducks in a row and be sure to consult with experts in the field who can guide you on taxation issues country by country.

Read more:  Removing the pain of sales tax compliance

©2016 Laurel J. Delaney
Separately, have a Happy St. Patricks's Day -- one of my favorite days of the year!

If you are lucky to be Irish ...
You're lucky enough!

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