Prepare for Global Growth With Your Equity Crowdfunding Campaign

People talk about the importance of having the right mindset, the right people, the right products or services and the right processes in place before you take a business global.  But what happens when you try for equity crowdfunding?

Take Linda Bulk who is general manager and director of Waikato, New Zealand-based Aeronavics.  Her company is a drone manufacturer that raised $1.5 million through an equity crowdfunding campaign last February, with 213 investors taking a total 15 percent stake in the company.

How did she prepare her aerial solution business for equity crowdfunding?
Business owners do have to understand that accountancy requirements change as the amount of shareholders increases, so that is something to be considered. For us this hasn't meant a lot of change though as we're in preparation for global growth and have already adopted these standards.
Read more:  Small Business:  Equity crowd funding - Linda Bulk, Aeronavics

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