Turn Up the Global Volume in 2016

It's a world market, not a local one.  Here's the deal:
In September 2013, the UKTI-funded BPI Music Exports Growth Scheme (MEGS) was launched. According to the BPI, it is “designed to make available grants ranging from £5,000–£50,000 to UK-registered independent music companies to assist them with marketing campaigns when looking to introduce successful UK music projects overseas.”
Such support continues to open the door overseas for up-and-coming UK artists.

Major key (not musical note) here?  Says Trevor McNamee of Brighton-based Jalapeno Records, which incorporates music publishing and management, as well as selling recordings:  "You need local knowledge, but it’s entirely possible to put together a promo and distribution plan and control it from the UK. For a niche record, you can do a thorough job overseas for very low cost. It’s never been a better time to be an indie label.”

Read more:  UK music industry turns up the global volume

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